10 January 2016

Cocktail Year - Week One

Cocktail Year - Week One

After the success of our cocktails over Christmas, we have decided to make drinking cocktails part of EVERY weekend in 2016. I know everyone else is committed to dry January and all that, but not us.  We are all about the cocktails.  Wine is soooooo 2015.

I have a huge list of cocktails that I want to try on Pinterest.  but this weekend was all about the Margarita.  

Our inspiration came from here, and although there are loads of variations we decided to stick with the classic recipe. 

The Tequila and Triple Sec came from Waitrose (where there is an amazing selection of booze) and the limes came from the Co-op.

Olmeca Altos 100% Agave Tequila

Gabriel Bonner Curacao Triple Sec


The worlds best cocktail shaker from Debenhams.

These bad boys got us very drunk, very quickly and I forgot to take a photo of the finished product (oops - hic).  However it should look this (preferably in a nicer glass):

YIELD: 2 cocktail glasses


  • 2 shots Olmeca Altos Tequila
  • 1 shot Gabriel Bonner Curacao Triple Sec (orange liqueur)
  • 1/2  freshly-squeezed lime juice
  • 2 shots simple sugar syrup 
  • Ice

Add all the ingredients to a cocktail shaker, and shake until the ice has broken down.  
Pour into the kitschest cocktail glass you can find.
Serve immediately, garnished with an extra lime wedge if you are fancy.
Make another one.
Drink that.
Then pass out in a state of bliss :)


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